NeoRio 3: September 10, 2011

Artist, locals and visitors enjoy sunset and dinner on the rim

Artist, locals and visitors enjoy sunset and dinner on the rim

Rio Grand Gorge at Wild Rivers

Rio Grand Gorge at Wild Rivers

Join in the third annual NeoRio, a celebration of art, nature, culture and community. You are invited to the Wild Rivers Recreation Area, to experience and celebrate the place through arts and community. The ancient relationship between humans, our fellow creatures and our environment is a complex story of interdependence. NeoRio attempts to explore this story through innovative artworks and events. It asks: what is the role of art in experiencing and protecting wild lands and what is the role of wild lands in art? Hosted by the BLM Taos Field Office, NeoRio is organized by LEAP (Land, Experience and Art of Place), in collaboration with New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, John Wenger of Wild Earth Studio, the Village of Questa and others.

To learn more visit or to become involved as a volunteer email Claire at